11068NAT - Graduate Diploma of Somatics and Dance Movement Therapy

This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills required to perform the following job functions and roles as below
• Allied Health professionals engaging in physical and psychological rehabilitation with clients from a Somatic perspective
• Body psychotherapists using movement and dance to support intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body
• Movement Analysists using Laban Movement Analysis
• Dance Movement Therapist delivering 5-Part Movement Therapy sessions using psychodynamic theory and relevant counselling skills
• Somatics and Dance Movement Therapists applying treatment techniques based on the principles of somatic exercise, touch, psychotherapy and client-centred counselling
• Those who work either self-employed or within an Allied Health or community organisation who carry out work as Psychotherapists, counsellors or Psychologists
• Work with people from varying cultures/backgrounds and experience who carry out work related to community and cultural health and well being

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