BSBSS00134 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Governance Foundations Skill Set

This skill set addresses the foundational skills and knowledge required to support governance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

Pathways Information
The units provide credit towards BSB41021 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Governance and other qualifications that allow for selection of these units.

Licensing/Regulatory Information
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this skill set at the time of publication.

Skill Set Requirements
BSBFNG401 Plan and chair Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation’s board meetings
BSBFNG403 Participate as a board member of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation
BSBFNG406 Assist in developing and implementing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisational policies
BSBXCM401 Apply communication strategies in the workplace

Target Group
This skill set is for individuals who may work in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, who have managerial or board responsibilities.

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