Cookies Policy


A “cookie” is a named bit of text that is stored on your computer by your web browser. It is like a programming variable that a web site can set and then read later. It allows us to distinguish you from every other visitor to our web site. The cookie’s value is set by the web site, and so cannot contain anything that the web site does not already know. Usually the cookie contains an ID number.
Cookies cannot contain executable code, viruses, or any personal information that you do not explicitly make available to the web site you are visiting. Also, cookies cannot be shared between web sites, so the information you share with us will not be visible to any other site you go to.
How we use Cookies
We use “cookies” on this site in a few ways:
1.    To make easier for you to use by filling in the ‘Request More Information’ form with the information you entered last time.
2.    To help us track repeat visitors for marketing purposes.
3.    We use third-party advertising technology to serve ads when you visit our website and sites upon which we advertise. This technology uses non-personal information about your visits to this website and the sites upon which we advertise (not including your name, address, or other personal information) to serve ads to you. In the course of delivering advertisements, a unique third-party cookie may be placed or recognised on your browser.
4.    We use web beacons, provided by our ad-serving partner, to help manage our online advertising. These web beacons enable our ad server to recognise a browser’s cookie when a browser visits this site, and to learn which banner ads bring users to our website. The information collected and used by this technology is not personally identifiable.
5.    Refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.
If you have cookies disabled then you will have to fill in the entire email form each time you want to use it.
How we use your User Information
The information you supply to us on the ‘Request More Information’ page is given to the suppliers that you selected.

  • No other suppliers get to see your personal information.
  • We do not distribute this information to any other parties.
  • Refer to our Privacy Statement for more information.

We think this is a reasonable use of the information.
More Cookie Information
You can learn more about cookies from Cookie Central’s Cookie FAQ.